Calculator + Basic Calculator + Scientific Calculator + PercentageA basic calculator is a perfect tool for daily calculations. This calculator app has a simple yet intuitive interface that lets you calculate quickly and smoothly. The simple calculator is lightweight and easy to use.The calculator app offers basic and scientific functions. The scientific calculator can perform trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential operations. This math calculator is what everyone is looking for and provides all kinds of features that meet your calculating needs and demands.The General Calculator utilities!• Quick and easy calculation.• Supports basic arithmetic and simple scientific operations.• Smart calculator has two keypad layouts (Basic, Scientific)• Displays calculated expression.• Copied calculated result to the clipboard by touching the display area.• Perfect calculator math solver for all math problems.• Comes with a dark theme to allow smooth usage of a calculator.• Backspace button to delete the last digit to correct a simple mistake.• Modify mistyped expressions with a freely moving cursor.• Calculation history available.This phone calculator plus app allows you to handle all the calculations necessary for everyday life. You can add or remove the functions and constants you need and calculate anything. With all the scientific calculations capability, this easy calculator app is the perfect choice for work and school.The general calculator app is an easy basic calculator app for daily use. The calculator pro app offers all the regular and scientific calculator functions. This calculator math app sums up all the calculations you need daily.